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Covering the Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act celebrates its 25th anniversary on July 26.

The act is widely viewed as the most significant piece of legislation advancing the rights of the hundreds of thousands of Americans with disabilities. The landmark civil rights law seeks to end discrimination on the basis of disability and requires equal access to opportunities for the disabled. In many ways, it has changed life in America.

News organizations are covering the anniversary in a variety of ways. Here are some of the stories that have been produced so far:


  • Harvard historian Akira Iriye named the signing of the ADA as one of the turning points of the 20th century in Time’s list of 25 moments that changed America.




  • End the Awkward campaign seeks to educate people about how to interact with those who have disabilities, the DCist reports.





  • PR Newswire aggregates U.S. Census data concerning people living with disabilities in the United States.


For more news and events, search Twitter using #ADA25.

Also, the ADA National Network has a tip sheet of resources (, including a list of events across the country (