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Asbury (N.J.) Park Press

VA still battling errors, backlog in disability claims

Retired Marine Sgt. Michael Madden of Prescott, Ariz., knows what it means to battle. In Vietnam, he was shot in the head, forcing him to undergo spinal cord surgery that has left him in a wheelchair. But the fight was not over for Madden. After being told by a Veterans Affairs doctor to file for funding to make his home and car wheelchair-adaptable, Madden has spent the last decade in a jungle of bureaucracy, legalese and claim denials.

San Francisco Chronicle

Theater mixes disabled, nondisabled actors

An orange-haired woman wearing a laurel wreath and a Grecian tunic sits on a man’s knee at center stage, pretending to be his ventriloquist’s dummy as he performs a song. With perfect timing and expressions, she mimes to his words, flinging her arms and legs.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/06/18/entertainment/e105448D82.DTL#ixzz0rMdeAgMK