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Austin (Texas) American-Statesman

Report: State facility for people with disabilities lacks psychiatrists, trained therapists

Nine months after Texas and the U.S. Department of Justice entered into a settlement to improve health care and more quickly investigate reports of abuse and neglect at state institutions for people with mental disabilities, the facility in Corpus Christi doesn’t have staff psychiatrists, has therapists who are ill-equipped to work with people with complex needs and doesn’t have a clear zero-tolerance policy for abuse and neglect.

The Ponte Vedra (Fla.) Recorder

their take: Floridians with disabilities must choose: Medicaid or job

For many Floridians with disabilities, the choice between competitive work and Medicaid assistance is all too real. While many of these citizens have a desire to work and contribute to the economic vitality of their communities, Florida law strongly discourages against this. To qualify for Medicaid assistance, individuals must not exceed a low-income and asset level. There are exceptions for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients; however, current policy limits their opportunities to work.

How Journalists Can Improve Coverage of Autism

Dr. Lynn Kern Koegel, director of Autism Services in the UCSB Autism Research Center and co-author of a new book on about autism, was a guest on Morning Media Menu this week.

On the show, she discussed how journalists can better cover autism –encouraging the media to focus on positive stories about coping with autism, rather than negative controversies.

Very interesting podcast. Check it out here.