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The Boston Globe

Costly schooling

Special education costs have soared in local school districts during the past five years, driven by higher program costs, continued demand for those programs by parents, and cutbacks in state and federal aid.

The Topeka (Kan.) Capital-Journal

Some welcome closure of KNI

Russell Hall and his wife, Eva, are saving the state of Kansas money — about $100,000 a year.

Hall removed his 30-year-old daughter, Tabatha, from Topeka’s Kansas Neurological Institute in 1991, and he and his wife have been caring for her in their home with the help of funds from a Home and Community-Based Services waiver for those with developmental disabilities.

The (Salisbury, Md.)Daily Times

Paul Rendine: Learning disabilities take many forms

Over the past several months, among my weekly disability articles were a number of articles about learning disabilities. While I usually get between three and four e-mails each week inquiring about the disability article of the previous week, apparently my articles on LD touched a number of chords. In fact, as I write this article today, I’ve received more than 50 different inquiries about various issues pertaining to LD.

The New York Times

Listening to Braille

AT 4 O’CLOCK each morning, Laura J. Sloate begins her daily reading. She calls a phone service that reads newspapers aloud in a synthetic voice, and she listens to The Wall Street Journal at 300 words a minute, which is nearly twice the average pace of speech. Later, an assistant reads The Financial Times to her while she uses her computer’s text-to-speech system to play The Economist aloud. She devotes one ear to the paper and the other to the magazine.