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New Resource for Disability Statistics

A new resource for disability statistics has been announced by disability.gov, the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium.

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics and Demographics compiled the data, which include statistics from federal sources and surveys on disability prevalence and population size, including breakdowns by state and disability type. The site also includes employment and earnings, education, health and health care coverage, rehabilitation and participation in benefit programs.

This resource is posted in the disability resource page.

RTDNF and Ivanhoe Broadcast News Call for Applicants

The RTDNF and Ivanhoe Broadcast News has announced a call for applicants for a one-week health reporting fellowship for television and new media journalists. The fellowship is open to a working reporter or producer at a television station or new media newsroom with fewer than 10 years of experience. Applications are due by Feb. 1, 2010. More information and application forms are available on RTNDA.org.