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CBS News

Step By Step

Gregg Mozgala was born with cerebral palsy, he often wore leg braces until he was 12 but, as Serena Altschul reports, dancing has proved to be a most unlikely medicine for this young man.

The Washington Post

Disabled job seekers must consider presentation

Pat Leahy’s résumé is sprinkled with relevant skills and achievements. Although he doesn’t note his blindness since birth, he often wonders when to disclose it to potential employers. Should he tell them before the in-person interview or simply walk in with his guide dog?

The Washington Post

Senate pushes ahead on long-term care program

Republican senators continued their assault Friday on key funding sources for a health-care overhaul, targeting Democratic plans to cut payments to private insurers who serve Medicare patients and to create a new government insurance program for long-term care that would raise more than $70 billion over the next decade.