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The (Delaware) News Journal

Social Security disability claims denied more often in Delaware

Pain has cut short the work lives of hundreds of people in Delaware. Edna Jopson drove a school bus and waited tables but now wakes in the morning just long enough to take pain-killers and go back to bed. Joe Jones rehabilitated houses until stopped by back trouble, knee surgery and schizophrenia. Myrna Gonzalez taught preschool before knotted shoulder muscles, osteoporosis, debilitating headaches, slipped discs, diabetes and myriad other health problems made that impossible.

The New York Times

Back to School

Hola amigos! Greetings from the great state of Virginia. It has been a couple of months since my last post and during that time I have been on a couple of trips and even attended my 10-year high school reunion in St. Petersburg, Fla. It was nice to see some of the people that I have not seen since graduation. I received a very warm welcome from everyone.

Los Angeles Times

What’s in a name? Legislation would end use of the term ‘mental retardation’

We health bloggers and reporters think about words a lot and care about using the right ones. So we were interested when we heard that a legislative proposal offered in the U.S. Senate recently would outlaw further use of the terms “mentally retarded” or “mental retardation” from federal statutes and policy papers in the area of health, education and labor.