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Election Participation by People with Disabilities

Americans with disabilities typically vote in lower numbers than those without a physical or mental disability, but efforts to make voting more accessible could change that. Journalists Resources, which provides research on news topics for journalists and others, examines a 2016 report published in American Politics Research that looks at how convenience voting initiatives in particular have impacted turnout.

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Where do the 2016 Presidential Candidates Stand on Disability Issues?

The disability advocacy organization RespectAbility has released a “Super Tuesday Disability Voter Guide.” Candidates share their stances on 16 disability issues, including healthcare plans, employment barriers, and mental health reform in the criminal justice system. The organization does not endorse candidates, but offers information to help voters make decisions. See the guide

Why “Sheltered Employment” Is On The Way Out

Sheltered workshops–where people with disabilities can often be paid pennies per hour for work–might soon be eliminated, thanks to new legislation and an uptick in advocates protesting the practice. Read more

Hospitals, Guns, and Mental Health

In The New York Times, Elisabeth Rosenthal shares the story of a young man struggling with mental illness, shot while receiving care at a hospital. The story delves into the pervasive issue of guns wielded in medical institutions. Read more