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Outsourced Call Centers Return, To U.S. Homes

Maureen Quigley-Hogan is the next generation of call center worker. Wearing pink slippers and sitting at her desk in her home office in Virginia, she takes a call from a woman in New Jersey who has a question about her credit card bill. Quigley-Hogan was unemployed for 10 years because she couldn’t hold down a traditional job, she says. She has rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, a disease that causes severe fatigue.

Chicago Tribune

U. of I. opens state-of-the-art dorm for students with disabilities

With very limited use of her arms and legs, Kelsey Rozema has needed her parents’ help with most daily tasks — getting out of bed, showering, putting on a coat and even opening a water bottle. In 18 years, they’ve been apart for only six nights.

The Washington Post

Bill seeks to make electronics accessible to blind, deaf

Blind and deaf consumers, who have fought to make home phones and television more accessible, say they are being left behind on the Web and many mobile devices. Touch-based smartphone screens confound blind people who rely on buttons and raised type. Web video means little to the deaf without captioning.

Los Angeles Times

Paul K. Longmore dies at 64; leading disability scholar and activist

Unable to use his hands because of a childhood bout with polio, Paul K. Longmore wrote his first book by punching a keyboard with a pen he held in his mouth. It took him 10 years, and when he was done, he burned a copy in front of the Federal Building downtown.